Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Kautokeino Rebellion

International Cinema. Done it again.
I can't watch a movie there without leaving the room in tears. I cried through the last 15 min of the movie, walked home in a state of shock, then got home to tell Shannon the whole affair and cried AGAIN!
This was a very sad affair. These native people of Norway, they didn't want to pay alcohol debts but this evil, greedy store clerk got the church and the government involved and then these innocent men were arrested without charge. And they needed to help their wives get the reindeer in and it was so unfair! And then two of the men were executed, beheaded, and this little boy saw the whole thing and it was so so so so sad.
That is why I cried.
But they spoke Norwegian, mostly...
only highlight of the movie.
it was good but sad.
i am done.

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