Monday, December 13, 2010


Hey Everyone,
Sorry it's been awhile.
Would you believe it?
Maybe, maybe not.
I will try to be more constant.
Anyways, onward with the updates!
I read 67 young adult books for my Literature for Adolescents class. My teacher made the mistake of saying the previous record, so of course, I just HAD to beat it. 32 of those 67 were read in the last two and half weeks before the end of the semester. So basically, I read like three books a day until I beat it.
Looooooooooooooooootsssssssssss of reading.
But good news, I recorded all of it at Goodreads, so I won't forget.
Thank goodness, right? Wouldn't want all of that work to go to waste.
I finished grading final papers and assignments. Now, I am just waiting to grade the final tests.
I have finals, of course. But they will wait until tomorrow, of course.
Seven a.m.
Who, may I ask, even gets up that early anymore?
I certainly don't.
That is right, the days of getting up at 4:30 a.m. for work have long since gone the way of all the earth.
LATE nights...fairly early mornings...
I guess this is like, real college, right?
Good thing I only have one semester left. Well, if you live in the land of technicalities, then I have like three semesters left, but remember, those last couple semesters are reserved for student teaching, no classes.
That is right folks! This next semester is the end of official classes!
Don't ask how many credits, it takes too long to explain it all.
I will do it because I have to...and I will try to sleep a little bit also.
But that is about all I have right now.
See ya laters.


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